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A três vozes : corpo verticalmente vertido / Ana Salomé Paiva ; texto Maria Teresa Horta ; ed. Nuno Oliveira... [et. al]. Lisboa : Gráfica Maiadouro, 2019.
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Cota(s): LA 3176
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Auguste Sander / introduction par Susanne Lange. Paris : Centre National de la Photographie, 1995. ISBN 2-86754-096-8.
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Cota(s): FT 6587
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Fotografía e información de guerra : España 1936-1939 / versión castellana de Giovanni Cantieri. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, cop. 1977. ISBN 84-252-0669-3.
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Cota(s): FT 6590
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Crown & camera : the royal family and photography, 1842-1910 / Frances Dimond and Roger Taylor. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1987.
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Cota(s): FT 6589
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The British journal of photography : annual 1974 / editor Geoffrey Crawley. London : Henry Greenwood, 1974.
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Cota(s): FT 6592
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The art of the daguerreotype / Stefan Richter ; with an introduction by Helmut Gernsheim. London : Viking, 1989. ISBN 0-670-82688-X.
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Cota(s): FT 6591
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Paper and light : the calotype in France and Great Britain, 1839-1870 / Richard R. Brettell ; with Roy Flukinger, Nancy Keeler and Sydney Mallett Kilgore. Boston : David R. Godine ; London : Kudos & Godine, 1984. ISBN 0-87923-485-7.
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Cota(s): FT 6593
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Collecting old cameras / Cyril Permutt. London : Angus & Robertson, 1976. ISBN 0-207-95474-7.
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Cota(s): FT 6594
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Treasures of the royal photographic society 1839-1919 / chosen and introduced by Tom Hopkinson. London : Heinemann : Royal Photographic Society Publication, cop. 1980. ISBN 434-34700-0.
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Cota(s): FT 6597
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Whisper of the muse : the Overstone album & other photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron / essay by Mike Weaver. Malibu : J. Paul Getty Museum, 1986.
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Cota(s): FT 6598
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